Thomas Nelson Publishers recently started a new series of biographies entitled "Christian Encounters." This series profiles a wide-range of historical figures from authors to scientists to church and world leaders. The books focus in on biographical history of the subjects lives and how they were influenced by their Christian faith.
Through the Thomas Nelson Book Sneeze Program I was able to preview a new biography by John Perry on Winston Churchill, which offers a concise and well-thought history of the wartime Prime Minister. As a fan of Sir Winston Churchill's life, writings and leadership during World War II I would highly suggest reading this book. It is well-written and engaging.
The biography is sectioned off into twelve chapters highlighting key points in Churchill's life. Perry recounts Churchill's life from in a personable way from his childhood to his leadership during the tumultuous World War II. Despite the strength of the ever-rising Nazi army, bombing in London and uncertainty amidst the chaos, Churchill kept hope alive for the English and helped to lead the Allies to win the war. Along the way, Perry also focuses in on times in Churchill's life when his Christian faith stabilized him and offered insight into his life's purpose.
This biography helped me form an even greater opinion of Churchill. Perry shows Churchill to be a man with both flaws and quality traits. He learned through many trials and experiences early in his life, which would have caused many to give up, but he kept faith that those trials were simply lessons for his future fate. Churchill was first introduced to his faith as a Christian by Elizabeth Everest, or "Woomy," Winston's nurse and constant in his early life. Although Churchill did not attend church regularly in critical times in his life he turned to his faith in God and it was this faith, which gave him that fighting spirit and hope, which made him the leader we know and recognize today.
This book offers lots of documentation, well-written fact and Christian nuances to make this a must-read for those looking for an introduction on Sir Winston Churchill. It is short and highlights aspects of his life and faith, an excellent introduction before reading more detailed works on Churchill's life.
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